4 Frontrunners Only

State-of-the-Art Projects

Newest Projects

New Water Security


Due to new scientific discoveries and new developments within sensor, membrane and microbiological control we are createing the ultimate Water purification Security System for the new demanding domestic and commercial usage. 

WTM are now in the contracting phase to secure the final product and market development together with large international companies in Europe and USA. The actual development in the weather conditions with more flodding , infrastructure break down and damage through natural disasters, wars and evironmental  pollution new demand has to be met with more rugged and new game changing secure technology. 


Project started in Gothenburg, Sweden and included ground breaking new technologies as RFID recoqnition, PLC controls and Magnetic field and Infrared sensing of Cart and consumer. Based on advanced programs.

Under Development: 

The final system was tested under heavy cold and humid weather conditions in north of Sweden to prove beeing a fail-safe Ourdoor System ready to

be installed from the icy Arctics

to the hot Equatorial 


Cart-O-Matic was designed to create a Touchless Shopping Cart Pawn Control System experience for Super- and Hypermarkets.

The Cart-O-Matic system solves the problem modern super- and hypermarkets are facing each and every day. The markets are loosing thousands of Shopping Carts a year and are having other thousands of Carts damaged by cardrivers. The system even offered Customer and Store Logistics and Parking Control. The System is Patented in USA


Project started in Gothenburg, Sweden and included ground breaking new technologies as RFID recoqnition, PLC controls and Magnetic field and Infrared sensing of Cart and consumer. Based on advanced programs.


The final system was tested under heavy cold and humid weather conditions in north of Sweden to prove beeing a fail-safe Ourdoor System ready to

be installed from the icy Arctics

to the hot Equatorial 

WPS4  Advanced Water Purification

During the years from 2001 to 2010 WPS4 and WSP4 has designed both large modular systems for municipal water plants, Emergency backups, Disaster Relief and Bottle Water Factories. Besides large scale we have developed POE and POD Home and Commercial Water Security System.  


The development started with  the WSP4 Water Security Panel Project and continued with the Modular ContainerrizedSystems all down to the specialized manufactoring plants for the products. The Panel systems for home and commercial use are now ready for production and introduction worldwide. 


The Modular Systems are ready for beeing build and the factory in USA are recieving orders on all  different types of modular system types. The company building the systems are the Texas based new PPDM Precision Process Development and Manufactoring Inc. The company has installed more than 2500 systems in 29 countries.


The IREX Water Heating System is created to offer a Point of Use Heating Solution for heating Potable Water and Houses.

The system can be implemented as the very first single water-line for producing hot water to all kind of faucet installations in Bath or Kitchens or any other washing installation. It offers a very precise heating solution for each individual room in a building and it is invaluable in Building Renovation or Renewals.


The project was initiated in Løkken, Denmark, refined in Silkeborg making Prototype and Mock-Up samples and creating the most elegant, easy and space saving installation. Fully PLC and sensor controlled it offers an environmental, resource, pipe and work saving economical solid solution.


The System is Ready for start making production lines and introduction to the market as soon as the company owning the rights are ready to switch to this new game changing technology in USA and Europe. The Technolgy is continuously beeing updated with new money saving features.

RPT4   Renewable Power Technology 

The Global shift to Sustainable and Renewable Energy calls for the new RPT4 Hydrogen and Renewable Electric Energy. 

The RPT4 Systems can be implemented in the Oceans, Rivers and Lakes when it comes to creating Large Scale Energy Parks.  The Technology is scaleable from Large Scale Hydrogen Electric Power Parks down to single family houses. It is designed to make total Infrastructures supplying Electric Power og Hydrogen to the Industry, Transportation Sector, House Heating and Vechicle Fuelling. The System is Patent Pending.


Project was hatched in Løkken, Denmark. Together with our US Partners it was developped as a Joint Venture to meet the most high demands regarding environ-mental safe sustainable renew-able power production Plants.  


In 2014 The project reached the expected stage of beeing ready to be patented  and launched for sale before investing the first 50M USD for the final preparations before the Modulare Production.